Paying for College
Looking for other ways to pay for college? Try a side hustle!
Updated 4/12/2023

One of the first principles of financial literacy is earning money – understanding your pay and maximizing your earnings. Side hustles can be a great option to earn money with a more flexible work schedule than a regular part-time job allows. You can find time to do them around your classes and extra-curricular activities. Use the money as college spending money or even to get a jump start on paying off any private student loans.
There are a lot of options to choose from, so find something that works with your talents and interests.
Below are just a few examples.

Do you love kids or pets?
Babysit or become a dog walker. You can enjoy time with a child or pet (and get paid for it!), and you don’t have all the responsibilities that come with parenting and pet ownership. 😊
Like to help people with errands or projects?
Like to do small, odd projects or run errands? Check out Task Rabbit. You can do everything from help people move, grocery shop, assemble furniture and more. What’s great – you choose the jobs you’re interested in and set your own rates.
Are you crafty?
Creative and like to make things? Design jewelry or clothes, or whatever your talent is, and start a shop on Etsy. Did you know there are 96 million people that are active buyers on Etsy? It’s a big marketplace where you can sell your product(s).
Drivers Wanted
Have a car and insurance? Become a ride share driver for Uber or Lyft. You can set your own hours and choose your rides. Have a few hours here and there? This job is perfect for those times. Plus, in addition to your hourly rate, you can earn tips!

Knowledgeable and like to teach?
Knowledgeable on a subject and like to teach? Become a tutor, either for your peers or for younger students at middle school or high school. You can make some decent money tutoring and at the same time, feel good for helping others.
Have fun. Make Money.
Earning money by working a side hustle is just one way for you to help manage your money and be financially literate. Saving money can also help your financial situation greatly. Click here to learn ways to save money in college and live on a tight budget.